
Welcome to the "Prerequisites" section, your starting point for quickly getting up and running with our APIs using OAuth 2.0 authentication. In this section, we'll guide you through the essential steps to access and utilize our APIs effectively.

Before you begin integrating our APIs into your application, ensure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • OAuth 2.0 Credentials: Obtain the necessary OAuth 2.0 credentials, including a Client ID and Client Secret. These credentials are essential for initiating the OAuth 2.0 authorization process.

  • Redirect URI: Determine the Redirect URI where the user will be sent after successfully authenticating. This URI should be registered with your OAuth 2.0 application.

Initiating OAuth 2.0 Authorization

To make API requests on behalf of a user, you'll need to guide them through the OAuth 2.0 authorization process:

  1. User Interaction: Redirect the user to our OAuth 2.0 authorization endpoint, providing your Client ID and the desired Scope of access. The user will be prompted to grant your app the necessary permissions.

  2. User Consent: Once the user approves, they will be redirected back to the specified Redirect URI along with an Authorization Code.

  3. Exchange Authorization Code: Your server must securely exchange the received Authorization Code for an Access Token by making a POST request to our token endpoint, including the Client ID, Client Secret, and the received code.

Making Authorized API Requests

With the Access Token obtained, you're ready to make authorized API requests on behalf of the user:

  1. Include Access Token: Include the Access Token in the Authorization header of your API requests. This token authenticates the requests and grants access to the user's authorized resources.

  2. Explore Endpoints: Review our API documentation to identify the endpoint you want to interact with. Each endpoint serves a specific purpose and requires distinct parameters.

Sample Authorized Request (cURL)

Here's an example of a cURL command to make an authorized API request using OAuth 2.0:

curl -X GET "" -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"

Exploring Further

Congratulations! You've successfully set up OAuth 2.0 authentication and made your first authorized API request. As you delve deeper into our documentation, you'll discover information about available endpoints, request and response formats, best practices, and more.

Continue your exploration by diving into specific sections of this guide that align with your development goals. Our OAuth 2.0 authentication ensures secure and seamless access to our APIs, enabling you to create powerful and integrated applications.

Last updated